Push/Pull/Legs Split
Workout Guide, Calculator, and Progress Tracker

Six days a week of lifting with a focus on barbell lifts. Two lower body workouts, two pull workouts, and two push workouts per week. The ideal setup for anyone who wants to train 6 days/week and build a great physique (as well as getting stronger). Also allows for the possibility of shorter workouts with similar results to less frequent routines since the work is split over so many days.

My Maxes
If you don't know your maxes (or what a max is) we'll figure out how much you should be lifting later.
Exercise Info
Low bar squat
Exercise Info
Exercise Info
Romanian deadlift
Exercise Info
Barbell glute bridge
Exercise Info
Bench press
Exercise Info
Incline bench press
Exercise Info
Overhead press
Exercise Info
Bent over row
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