About Strongr Fastr
Most people understand that diet and exercise are the only way to achieve real fitness goals. But building a training and meal plan that effectively works towards your goals can quickly become an overwhelming task. How much should you be eating? How much protein, carbs, and fat? How much weight should you be lifting? How many reps? How many sets? How many times per week? What if your schedule doesn’t allow that? What about cardio? How should your routine change over time? We designed Strongr Fastr to handle all these questions for you in the most optimal way possible.
A huge part of this is our easy, practical, and customizable meal planning functionality. As anyone who’s ever set out to achieve a serious fitness goal knows, much of what makes fitness overwhelming/complicated is the meal planning process. The task of planning, grocery shopping, and cooking, which is already difficult, quickly becomes exhausting when you need to think about things like how many calories or how much protein you need to eat. But making and sticking to an appropriate meal plan is probably the most important single aspect of achieving any goal. Strongr Fastr simplifies this process based on your tastes and preferences, making it much more likely that you’ll succeed.
Couple that with training methodologies proven in the real world and backed by strength and conditioning research, all presented in a simple, easy-to-follow format and customized for your goals and schedule, and you’ve got everything you need to reach your full potential. And that’s what Strongr Fastr is all about.